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Using typed bound parameters with PHP PDO-ODBC, unixODBC and FreeTDS

General error: 20003 Adaptive Server connection timed out [20003] (severity 6)

ODBC query on MS SQL Server returning first 255 characters only in PHP PDO (FreeTDS)

php sql-server odbc pdo freetds

Read from the server failed when trying to connect to sql-azure from tsql

Restart of anything needed after changes to freetds.conf?

php odbc freetds

php dblib, Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] Unknown host machine name (severity 2)

php sql-server macos pdo freetds

How to use windows authentication to connect to MS SQL server from windows workstation in another domain with Python

How to store and retrieve extended ASCII characters in MSSQL

using pyodbc on ubuntu to insert a image field on SQL Server

Error installing TinyTDS on OSX 10.6 via gem install tiny_tds

freetds tiny-tds

One of the SELECT fails using unixOdbc - SQLSTATE[24000]: Invalid cursor state

Laravel connect to a SQL Server 2008 named instance

php sql-server laravel freetds

FreeTDS fails to connect to SQL Server after recent Windows patches and TLS1 being disabled

sql-server ssl freetds

Homebrew / TinyTDS / FreeTDS bundle error

SQL Server error 1934 occurs on INSERT to table with computed column PHP/PDO

php sql-server pdo freetds

Can't connect to remote SQL Servers outside of network with PYODBC

FreeTDS - Unable to connect: Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist

centos freetds unixodbc

odbc unable to connect to MSSQL data source on OS X Lion