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New posts in fortran-iso-c-binding

Interoperability of C variadic function and Fortran

Fortran intrinsic keyword in module use statement

Mixed C++ and Fortran Linking Issue

sockets programming gfortran

Automatic generation of Fortran 2003 bindings from C library headers (using iso_c_bindings intrinsic module)

Assigning a Fortran integer value to a malloc-allocated C memory target

Pass arrays from C/C++ to Fortran and return a calculated array

C equivalent to Fortran namelist

Calling Fortran subroutines with optional arguments from C++

Calling C function/subroutine in Fortran code

Creating a FORTRAN interface to a C function that returns a char*

Arrays of strings in Fortran-C bridges using iso_c_binding

call functions from a shared fortran library in python

Calling a FORTRAN subroutine from C

Sleep in Fortran