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Is there a better approach for this custom Formtastic input in Rails?

Rails submit button text (formtastic) - how to change label of submit button?

Activeadmin formtastic dynamic select

How to add an input not related to the model with Formtastic

Accessing object of form in formtastic

Nested form in activeadmin not saving updates

Active admin multiple file/image upload with paperclip

Rails 3. Conditionally show fields with Formtastic

How to properly pass collection for input in Formtastic

HTML - Correct way of coding a checkbox with a Label

html forms formtastic

Configure the label of Active Admin has_many

Using :collection and :include_blank in Formtastic. How to do it?

ruby-on-rails formtastic

How does the HTML5 multiple file upload field map to a nested model in Rails 3?

No-Model Formtastic Form

ruby-on-rails formtastic

Image file input with Formtastic and ActiveAdmin

Insert a non-input row into a Formtasic form

Rails Formtastic: adding "data-" field to option tag

ruby-on-rails formtastic

Is there any way to create a form with formtastic without a model?

ruby-on-rails formtastic

How to pre-check checkboxes in formtastic

ruby-on-rails formtastic

Rails: Formtastic: Select-Boxes without primary blank field

ruby-on-rails formtastic