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New posts in formtastic

Multi-step form in Rails 3 with Paperclip attachments

Activeadmin Formtastic custom input

How to use grouped_collection_select to show multiple selection?

Active Admin create form in register_page

activeadmin formtastic

Using Formtastic's semantic_fields_for with a has_many association

How do you fix? formtastic :label_method is no longer available

In Rails 3, using Formtastic 2, how can I replace the built in ordered list with div's?

Rails 3- Active Admin (Formtastic), set column Width

ActiveAdmin - Using scopes with filters

How do I create a formtastic nested input without fieldset?

semantic_form_for without resource with multiple input not working

activeadmin formtastic

Rails 3: Form getting submitted twice

Formtastic select with grouping

Activeadmin and Formtastic: form not responding to :size

Formtastic/ActiveAdmin set a default value for a select input

Formtastic and base errors

formtastic select, one entry selected as default

ruby-on-rails formtastic

2 submit buttons in a form

Using fields from an association (has_many) model with formtastic in rails

How to force the method for a formtastic form to be put?

ruby-on-rails formtastic