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New posts in font-face

Using CSS font-family to select Droid fonts not working on Android

Chrome not rendering @font-face ttf/woff smooth

css icons font-face smooth

@font-face giving ultra-heavy font weight and/or bad anti-aliasing

css font-face antialiasing

how to change 'inner' lineheight of css text

html css fonts font-face

Rails 4 can't find fonts in production

What sites provide public web font libraries to link to?

css fonts font-face webfonts

How Can I Detect the Characters Defined in a Font?

php html css character font-face

Google fonts: Define custom name in CSS

<link rel="preload" has an unsupported `type` value (fonts preload)

@font-face support in major email clients?

email font-face clients

HTML5 Canvas filltext and font-face

Font size for @font-face alternative

Does CSS letter-spacing not work with SVG fonts in Safari?

css safari font-face

Why does IE7 require EOT fonts to include lowercase glyphs when we use text-transform: uppercase?

Can relative paths be used for @font-face src?

css font-face

Web fonts look choppy in Firefox only

html css firefox font-face

Using @fontface fonts load italic

css fonts font-face

Why don't web fonts in Firefox work on a different domain?

firefox fonts css font-face

Can I embed Arial Narrow in a web page for free using @font-face?

fonts font-face

webkit-font-smoothing: suddenly different results in chrome and safari