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New posts in font-face

@font-face alias issues on PC

css font-face antialiasing

Is using the smiley (☺) in @font-face still relevant?

css fonts font-face webfonts

Adding an extra glyph (of a character) in a webfont

html css svg font-face webfonts

Why is an embedded google map altering Safari's font rendering?

css safari font-face

Dynamically adding @font-face rule in IE 8 and less

javascript css font-face

How to offset line-height base line?

css font-face

Silverlight open source font replacement for Segoe

silverlight font-face

How does @font-face work?

How to identify all weights of all fonts used on page/site

Are SVG fonts still working in Google Chrome?

SVG doesn't use font when inside HTML

Data URI in embedded font declaration (@font-face) breaks IE < 9

@font-face being ignored by IE7

css fonts font-face

only load @font-face being used in that page

html css font-face

Add Icon font in wpf

wpf font-face

Font awesome using font face

In ASP.NET, how do I add a CORS header for only TTF files?

c# asp.net font-face cors

How do I access font features in CSS?

fonts css font-face

Is it possible to create a Mac OS specific CSS to fix font difference?

css macos font-face

using @font-face in Microsoft Edge