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New posts in firefox-addon

Context menus not working firefox add-on WebExtensions

How to get info from another website from my HTML page?

how to by pass following error in Firefox extension "server does not support RFC 5746"

Memory leaks on Firefox addons

Port a firefox extension to a BHO (Browser Helper Objects, aka IE extensions)

Loading jquery UI in FF 11 give error:: "TypeError: a is undefined"

Why is JavaScript slower in a FireFox add-on than in a webpage loaded in FireFox?

Shouldn't the error event of xmlhttprequest have an error message?

Embedding node.js in a Firefox extension and running a server in-browser

Is it possible to selectively turn off CSS or Javascript features in Firefox/Chrome for testing?

Firefox add-on: inject content script to iframe with src as "about:blank"

Creating custom builds of Mozilla Firefox

Use ES Modules from content_scripts of Web Extension (add-on) [duplicate]

Silent install of the firefox addon

Firefox Jetpack Development Debugging [closed]

Modify contents of Firefox download dialog from add-on kit

Getting the platform specific newline character in JavaScript?

How can I convert a Greasemonkey script into a restartless Firefox addon?

FireFox Addon: How to override native js function

Firefox plugin to convert POST request to GET?

firefox firefox-addon