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New posts in feature-selection

Correlation coefficient explanation--Feature Selection

Items of feature_columns must be a _FeatureColumn

What's the meaning of p-values which produced by feature selection (i.e. chi2 method)? [closed]

Using chi2 test for feature selection with continuous features (Scikit Learn)

Does R randomForest's rfcv method actually say which features it selected, or not?

feature selection and cross validation

How SelectKBest (chi2) calculates score?

Natural Language Processing - Features for Text Classification

python: How to get real feature name from feature_importances

How to get attribute list from fitted model in Scikit-learn?

how to change feature weight when training a model with sklearn?

python spark: narrowing down most relevant features using PCA

Using Bhattacharyya Distance for feature selection

Sentiment analysis Pipeline, problem getting the correct feature names when feature selection is used

Visual Studio 2013 Optional Features to Install

Vowpal Wabbit ignore linear terms, only keep interaction terms

glmulti Oversized candidate set

How can sklearn select categorical features based on feature selection