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New posts in facebook-android-sdk

android - how to change the text on facebook login button

Is it possible to extend Facebook tokens with extendAccessTokenIfNeeded in an Android app?

Preventing Facebook Android SDK from displaying password as plain text

Android Application Login with Facebook is not working with Facebook App installed

How to extract values from bundle in Android

Facebook AccessToken.getAccessToken is null on opening of app even after first login

Facebook LoginButton for Android does not take login_text and logout_text values passed from XML

Logging in with the Facebook Android SDK and Proguard

Facebook android shareDialog closes after opening

Android Facebook SDK 4.0 Login without Facebook App

Using share dialog in Android Facebook SDK. How to know is user actually shared or cancelled sharing activity?

facebook api version used in facebook android sdk

Android FB API 3.0 - set permissions only once

Official Facebook examples crashes (GraphApiSample)

call finish() from static method

Retrieve profile picture using Facebook SDK 3.0 for Android

Android facebook login not working with installed Facebook app

How to get facebook profile picture of user in facebook SDK 3.0 Android

New Facebook API 3.0. and ActionBarSherlock compatibility