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New posts in facebook-android-sdk

User is asked for login credentials during reauthorization

Reduce the size of android facebook SDK

Facebook authentication for JSON service with android application

Android Facebook Share not showing description on facebook wall

Login to facebook a button to open a new activity

How to dynamically load R.styleable resource?

Facebook Activity not loading correctly in facebook-sdk 4.4.0

Using facebook android sdk from service

Session: an attempt was made to request new permissions for a session that has a pending request

Facebook Audience Network Ad Sdk dependency giving run time error in Android App

Android facebook authentication [closed]

Android Facebook SDK v3.0 SSO LoginButton returning a null GraphUser

Android facebook 4.0.0 share dialog does not share the content

No Client Token found, please set the Client Token

Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/facebook/android/AsyncFacebookRunner$1;

How to get Facebook photo, full name, gender using Facebook SDK android

Facebook SDK 4.7.0 logs ClassNotFoundException for AppEventsLogger

Prevent network requests from Facebook Android SDK