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How to return a proper 404 error from Extbase with a error handling configuration

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Combining two QueryResults in a Extbase Repository

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TYPO3 Extbase storagePid

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Set TYPO3 extbase storagePageIds / storagePid to current

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Typo3 Extbase Repository->findAll() returns empty

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Get data from two different models in one controller in TYPO3 extbase

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EXTBASE: How to get hidden record

How can I trigger a download with typo3/extbase?

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Typo3 Extbase Set and Get values from Session

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EXTBASE: How to get current page uri in extbase controller?

TYPO3: get path out of file reference in Extbase

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PHP error "Cannot redeclare class" in extbase-based extension of Typo3 4.7

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Delete file when deleting sys_file_reference

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FAL FileReferences aren't localized in FE

TYPO3 Extbase: CSRF-FormProtection fails for non-admin user in frontend

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Typo3 FAL missing alternative text field in Extension

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TYPO3 Extbase: How to access "modified" flag of my object property?

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"Map to existing tables" in Extension builder showing weird issues in TYPO3

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TYPO3 TCA select, NULL value in items array

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Mapping to "pages" table from Extbase in TYPO3 6.1

typo3 extbase