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New posts in exchange-server-2007

How do I retrieve global contacts with Exchange Web Services (EWS)?

Programming with MS Exchange 2007

Debugging EXCHANGE transport agent in VS2010 c#

How do I send emails outside my domain with Exchange 2007 and c#

Multiple PushNotification Subscriptions some work properly and some don't

Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceValidationException: The property RequiredAttendees can't be used in FindItem requests

EWS : Appoitnment Item.Id.UniqueId is not constant

Slow search for items using extended property on Exchange

Run Exchange Powershell command from C#

Exchange Web Service managed, get deleted appointments

Difference between a DateTime object I create and DateTime.Now

Login via starttls method from smtplib to old e-mail server

Exchange Web Services (EWS) API "To" header for alias

Powershell command to hide user from exchange address lists

Getting Exchange Appointments by ICalUid?

c# programmatically reading emails from the Exchange server

JavaMail search by ReceivedDate, doesn't work down to the second?

Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices is not working in VS2010

Dispose/Close ExchangeService in C#?

Exchange Web Service API and 401 unauthorized exception