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New posts in excel-2007

VBA: How to delete filtered rows in Excel?

vba excel excel-2007

How can I assign a color to a font in EPPlus?

Unprotect VBProject from VB code

vba excel excel-2007

Extract the last substring from a cell

How do I make a burn down chart in Excel?

excel charts excel-2007

Delete entire row if cell contains the string X

Number format in excel: Showing % value without multiplying with 100

How to add parameters to an external data query in Excel which can't be displayed graphically?

excel vba excel-2007 ms-query

VBA equivalent to Excel's mod function

excel excel-2007 vba

Closing Excel Application using VBA

excel vba excel-2007

Find if value in column A contains value from column B?

vba excel excel-2007

Excel how to find values in 1 column exist in the range of values in another

excel delete row if column contains value from to-remove-list

Excel Date Conversion from yyyymmdd to mm/dd/yyyy

excel excel-2007 vba

Excel: the Incredible Shrinking and Expanding Controls [closed]

Append same text to every cell in a column in Excel

excel excel-2007

Excel formula to reference 'CELL TO THE LEFT'

How to add a custom Ribbon tab using VBA?

excel vba excel-2007 ribbonx

When should the xlsm or xlsb formats be used?

excel excel-2007 xlsm xlsb

Importing CSV with line breaks in Excel 2007

excel csv newline excel-2007