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New posts in epoll

Event notification from kernel space to user space

epoll with timerfd

linux timer epoll

Do I get a notification from epoll when a fd is closed?

linux epoll

Is it possible to change the io_context of a socket in boost::asio?

Using edge triggered epoll, should I loop over send?

epoll epollet

Performance tuning for Netty 4.1 on linux machine

java linux netty nio epoll

What is "urgent data"?

c epoll

A problem of multithread epoll in linux

linux multithreading epoll

Why does select.select() work with disk files but not epoll()?

python unix select epoll

General explanation of how epoll works?

Given any epoll TCP socket event, if EPOLLRDHUP=0 and EPOLLIN=1; is a subsequent call to read()/recv() guaranteed to return a read size unequal to 0?

c linux sockets tcp epoll

Does epoll preserve the order in which fd's was registered?

c linux epoll

Are epoll events being watched when not epoll_waiting

Should I use epoll or just blocking recv in threads?

python sockets webserver epoll

libevent and epoll,which is more efficient? [closed]

epoll libevent

Socket server with epoll and threads

Cancelling thread that is stuck on epoll_wait

c++ pthreads epoll

Is it OK to share the same epoll file descriptor among threads?

c linux pthreads epoll

What is correct way to use cProfile with asyncio code?

Missing something or do I just not understand epoll?

c linux sockets pthreads epoll