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New posts in entity-relationship

How do I create two associated entities at one time with EF4 Code-First

Difference between owned one to many relationship and owned one to many bidirectional relationship(Google App Engine Java Api)

How to create E-R diagram in mysql

phpmyadmin 3.4.0 ERD to PDF

Relationship on same table with Entity Framework

Multiple one to many relationships with Entity Framework

Symfony2 - Notice: Undefined offset: 0 due to a custom Query

Hibernate select before update

Save a relation with between two entities an N-N association

EF 4.1 Code First: Each property name in a type must be unique error on Lookup Table association

Entity Framework Core self referencing table

How do you work with Entity relationship within Doctrine 2?

How to define nested Identifying Relationships Entity Framework code first

Core Data multithread store relations

Laravel many-to-many relation with custom table names and IDs

Database of bank accounts

Should I use an index column in a many to many "link" table?

Foreign Keys vs. Partial Keys and their E-R representations

JPA with JTA: Persist entity and merge cascaded child entities

One-to many relationships in ER diagram