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New posts in entity-framework-4.1

Entity Framework saving data in one-to-one associations

Entity Framework 4.1 code-first KeyAttribute as non-identity column

Populating child property with Entity Framework SqlQuery

c# entity-framework-4.1

entity framework code first and database user

Entity Framework 4.1 - Relationships between non-key columns

Using mvc-mini-profiler

Extremely slow performance using Code-First with Entity Framework 4.1 release

c# entity-framework-4.1

Entity Framework with interfaces does not work - what the best way to handle the same?

Best Practices for Lookup Tables in EF Code-First

SQL Server schema evolution (migrations)

DbContext won't keep connection open for re-use

Is there a way to reset a DbContext without disposing and reinstantiating it?

EF 4.1 loading filtered child collections not working for many-to-many

How to pass multiple Expressions to OrderBy for EF?

How to represent Bridge table in Entity Framework Code First

EF 4.1 Code First doesn't create column for List<string>

Entity Framework Code First Many to Many Setup For Existing Tables

Entity Framework 4.1 default eager loading

The purpose of Include() in ASP.NET MVC + Entity Framework