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EMR spark-shell not picking up jars

amazon-s3 apache-spark emr

Performance issue in hive version 0.13.1

How to upload files to new EMR cluster

How to set up Zeppelin to work with remote EMR Yarn cluster

How to wait for a step completion in AWS EMR cluster using Boto3

Restart hive service on AWS EMR

Detected Guava issue #1635 which indicates that a version of Guava less than 16.01 is in use

AWS EMR Step failed as jobs it created failed

Merge delta data into an external table using hive's merge statement

hadoop hive emr acid orc

How do I submit a Spark jar to a EMR cluster?

Amazon EMR: running Custom Jar with input and output from S3

spark-1.4.1 saveAsTextFile to S3 is very slow on emr-4.0.0

amazon-s3 apache-spark emr

How to run EMR Cluster Steps concurrently?

Amazon EMR --wait-for-steps

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Pydoop stucks on readline from HDFS files

python hadoop emr

Boto3 EMR - Hive step

Configure Zeppelin's Spark Interpreter on EMR when starting a cluster

How to set spark.driver.memory for Spark/Zeppelin on EMR