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Laravel 5. FirstorNew with several conditions

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Eloquent Multiple Foreign Keys from same table in two columns

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How should I sanitize Laravel query if using whereRaw()?

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Laravel Eloquent select function cause empty relation

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Eloquent:Invalid column name 'updated_at'

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insert multiple records at once in laravel eloquent

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How to display records in view based on their first letter?

laravel pagination Method links does not exist

Laravel: Eloquent relationships with *where* on parent table instead of *find*

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Can we create a migration for the data, not just structure of the tables

Laravel ManyToMany relationship on same model

Group by month and order the dates on Laravel Eloquent

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Update multiple rows at once Laravel Eloquent

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Using Eloquent ORM from Laravel 4 outside of Laravel

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Laravel model event saving is not firing

Weekly email newsletter in laravel 4

Laravel 4 and Eloquent ORM - How to select the last 5 rows of a table

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Laravel Eloquent - checking if returned object is valid or not

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Laravel search 'LIKE' query in two tables

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Laravel 5.1 - BelongsTo relationship returns null