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laravel pagination Method links does not exist

I am building a dynamic query using eloquent based on user inputs.

$query = \App\Model::query();
if($this == request('that')){
    $query->where(...); // building dynamic query based on user inputs

and finally user can type number of records shown per page in an html input field named count or checking a checkbox input type named all and following code completes dynamic query in back-end:

if (request('all')) {
    $result = $query->get();
}else {
    $result = $query->paginate(request('count'));

Also in front-end I have following code to show pagination links:


The problem is when user chooses to show all records we face following error:

Method links does not exist.

links method is not callable when we retrieve objects via get() method. What is the best practice in order not to face this error?

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eylay Avatar asked Jan 28 '23 17:01


1 Answers

It's because ->get() method return collection instead of paginator model Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator. So I can recomment you send some addition variable from your controller which indicate if you need execute $result->links().

return view('yourView', [showPagination => is_null(request('all'))]);


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yrv16 Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 18:02
