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New posts in elastic-map-reduce

Am I fully utilizing my EMR cluster?

Using s3distcp with Amazon EMR to copy a single file

Python Dependency Management on EMR

Getting "No space left on device" for approx. 10 GB of data on EMR m1.large instances

Life of distributed cache in Hadoop

How to register S3 Parquet files in a Hive Metastore using Spark on EMR

Amazon Elastic MapReduce - SIGTERM

Hive -- split data across files

In Hadoop, where can i change default url ports 50070 and 50030 for namenode and jobtracker webpages

copy files from amazon s3 to hdfs using s3distcp fails

The reduce fails due to Task attempt failed to report status for 600 seconds. Killing! Solution?

More_like_this query with a filter

Map Reduce output to CSV or do I need Key Values?

How to find the right portion between hadoop instance types

AWS DynamoDB and MapReduce in Java

installing GIT on EMR

git elastic-map-reduce

How to write data in Elasticsearch from Pyspark?

How to specify mapred configurations & java options with custom jar in CLI using Amazon's EMR?