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New posts in ehcache

What is the difference between "cache misses" and "in memory cache misses" in Ehcache?

java ehcache

Hibernate Ehcache NOT working for SQL Native query cache

Is @Cacheable aware of the 'Thundering Herd' problem?

java spring ehcache

Spring Data + Hibernate Query Caching not working

Trouble configuring Hibernate cache -- org.hibernate.cache.NoCachingEnabledException: Second-level cache is not enabled for usage

grails 2.5: "Another unnamed CacheManager already exists in the same VM" when using multiple datasources

grails datasource ehcache

Is there a performance hit with a maxElementsInMemory too big in ehcache config

java hibernate ehcache

Ehcache set to eternal but forgets elements anyway?

java caching ehcache

JPA + Hibernate + EHCache, unexpected behavior

Ehcache - using a List<Integer> as the cache value

java algorithm caching ehcache

How do I determine programmatically if ehcache is running?


Strategies for Java ORM with Unreliable Network and Low Bandwidth

Java Play! 2 - Cache.remove

EHCache 3.5 Get All Cache Keys / Entries

java ehcache ehcache-3

Ehcache Vs Static map cache implementation

Exception thrown after customizing ehcache.xml in grails application

spring cache - Null key returned for cache operation

java spring ehcache

Prevent ehcache trying to access internet on startup

java hibernate spring ehcache