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New posts in ebean

Complex joins using Play Framework and Ebean

OptimisticLockException with Ebean and Play Framework 2

playframework-2.0 ebean

Is it possible to use @PrePersist and @PreUpdate with eBean and Play! 2.0?

Ebean query using setDistinct() does not work

java sql playframework ebean

Ebean - Composite primary key which contains foreign keys

playframework-2.0 ebean

How can I sort related entities in Ebean?

Ebean ManyToMany query

How do I describe a bridge table to Ebean?

Update method of ebean does not work in playframework

How to create custom INSERT INTO query in Ebean?

Mapping Collection of String and Enum with Ebean (Play 2.0)

Play Framework 2 Ebean and InheritanceType as JOINED

Today's options for an easier migration path to Play 2

OptimisticLockException with Ebean/Play

Model.Finder<I, T> Deperecated Play! 2.4

Ebean using OR in query


How do I tell Play Framework 2 and Ebean to save null fields?

findRowCount doesn't work when bean has property with @Formula annotation

Unable to use multiple ebean databases in Play 2

How can I define 'TEXT' type using eBean in Play! framework?