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OptimisticLockException with Ebean/Play

I have a Play 2.1.3 Java app using Ebean. I am getting the OptimisticLockException below.

[OptimisticLockException: Data has changed. updated [0] rows sql[update person 
set name=? where id=? and email=? and name=? and password is null and created=? 
and deleted is null] bind[null]]

I understand that it is trying to tell me the record has changed between when I read it and when I tried to write it. But the only change is happening in this method.

public void updateFromForm(Map<String, String[]> form) throws Exception {
    this.name = form.get("name")[0];

    String password = form.get("password")[0];
    if (password != null && password.length() != 0) {
        String hash = Password.getSaltedHash(password);
        this.password = hash;


Am I doing this wrong? I saw similar logic in zentasks. Also, should I be able to see the the values for the bind variables?

UPDATE: I am calling updateFromForm() from inside a controller:

@RequiresAuthentication(clientName = "FormClient")
public static Result updateProfile() throws Exception {

    final CommonProfile profile = getUserProfile();
    String email = getEmail(profile);           
    Person p = Person.find.where().eq("email", email).findList().get(0);

    Map<String, String[]> form = request().body().asFormUrlEncoded();

    if (p == null) {
    } else {

    return ok("HI");
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latj Avatar asked Dec 02 '13 22:12


2 Answers

I have an alternative approach to this, where I add the annotation


to the Entity class.

This disables the optimistic locking concurrent modification check meaning the SQL becomes

update person set name=? where id=?

This is even more optimistic since it simply overwrites any intermediate changes.

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Sindri Traustason Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11

Sindri Traustason

Little bit late, but for your case @Version annotation should be the solution. We're using it mostly with java.util.Date, so it can be also used also for determining the date of last record update, in Play model that's just:

public java.util.Date version; 

In such case update statement will be done with id and version fields only - useful especially when using with large models:

update person set name='Bob' 
where id=1 and version='2014-03-03 22:07:35'; 

Note: you don't need/should update this field manually at each save, Ebean does it itself. version value changes ONLY when there was updated data (so using obj.update() where nothing changes doesn't update version field)

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biesior Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11
