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Xtext based language within Intellij Idea

Writing a Domain Specific Language for selecting rows from a table

python database algorithm dsl

Building a "Semi-Natural Language" DSL in Ruby

ruby regex parsing dsl

How to force c# binary int division to return a double?

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How can I traverse the EMF object tree generated by Xtext?

eclipse dsl eclipse-emf xtext

Scala - omit parentheses from apply method for a DSL

scala dsl apply

Monkey patching built-in ruby classes in limited scopes

How to express a context free design grammar as an internal DSL in Python?

Spring integration Java - how to use @InboundChannelAdapter to check a directory for files?

Spring integration dsl: http outbound gateway

Conditional Implicit functions in Scala

Obtaining the client IP in Akka-http

scala dsl akka-http

On Haskell, what is the linguistic way to represent a card effect for a card game?

Prolog as a DSL to generate perl code?

perl prolog dsl dcg

Examples for external technical DSL

external dsl

Groovy's classX.metaClass.getProperty in scala

scala groovy dsl metaclass

Typed abstract syntax tree with function application

f# dsl abstract-syntax-tree

How to write a list of (string*obj) without using upcast

f# dsl

What features would you like to see in a game programming DSL?

Is there any Date/Time DSL utils in Scala?

scala datetime lift dsl