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Rule-based node creation: commerce product + product display node set

How to add user-fields programmatically in Drupal 7

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Most widely-used Drupal rich text editor plugin? [closed]

Drupal 7 - Getting referenced entities with a node_load()


Add CCK field to custom form in Drupal 7

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Drupal 7 Single Sign on using settings.php

Drupal 7 - Insert taxonomy into node object

Drupal hook_views_post_execute not getting called

Create a template for the page

How to add breadcrumb?

Drupal FAPI Error; Cannot create references to/from string offsets nor overloaded objects

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Programmatically, I want a Drupal 7 content type with no "body" field

How to render the comment thread in drupal 7

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How to fix this warning: file_get_contents(): Unable to find the wrapper "public"?

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Drupal 7 Webform : How to display/hide some fields based on other select option fields

Unable to add a new field to a content type, widget drop down not working


drupal 7: Get user information on account creation

How do I get the URL of an image inside a module directory?

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How do use a custom datatype as a field in drupal 7?

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How do I set a field value with the field API?