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How do I create and instantiate a new custom field in hook_install() of the module that declares that custom field?

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Basic drupal model / concepts

Drupal: How to use fieldsets in hook_field_widget_form

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Drupal 7: Pathauto hierarchical taxonomy terms pattern

Change cache settings programmatically in Drupal 7

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Drupal 7 Views - list group by field

Drupal 7 - create node programatically, adding a youtube embed to a field

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Extending Drupal 7 search

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Drupal 7 How to trigger/hook the node "Publish" event?

How do I make a node.tpl.php file that is only used by the front page in Drupal 7

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Drupal 7 - Administration - Find node by it's field value

Add custom Tab to user profile page Drupal 7

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Drupal Commerce on Drupal 7? [closed]

Load JavaScript after page is fully rendered

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Drupal 7 override jquery js file in custom theme

How do I disable Multibyte string input conversion in PHP?

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Drupal 7 get teaser with field_view_value()

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how to send email in drupal 7

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Drupal 7 redirect to a specific page (a tab) after form submit

Drupal D3 module documentation [closed]

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