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New posts in doctrine-orm

Symfony2 override User.orm.xml

php xml symfony orm doctrine-orm

Select only relevant news items that are linked on a page (multiple one two many relationships)

php mysql symfony doctrine-orm

Using DQL functions inside Doctrine 2 ORDER BY

How to load Symfony2 fixtures from migration class?

Connect Doctrine to memcached pool

symfony doctrine-orm

Enable Doctrine 2 cache in a ZF2 project

Catch db error with Doctrine\DBAL\Exception

Doctrine Query Builder count ManyToMany

Doctrine Issue; Unable to persist entity if adding items to a relation

php doctrine-orm

Doctrine Mongodb ODM and DateTime query

removing entities in preUpdate event lister

symfony doctrine-orm

Default sort for doctrine model with annotations

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What's the difference between AnnotationReader & SimpleAnnotationReader?


Logical OR in doctrine2 getRepository->findBy()

php doctrine-orm doctrine

How to remove an entity class in a Symfony2 project

Doctrine Query Builder Where Count of ManyToMany is greater than

Doctrine2 ODM Limit doesn't work / mongodb

doctrine2 extra lazy fetching of association

php doctrine-orm

Why to use getter setters for doctrine2 classes

php oop doctrine-orm

How to test doctrine EventListener/Subscriber without any entity