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New posts in django-urls

Django url parameter and reverse URL

Django 2.2 breaks previously working views/urls

How do I redirect by URL pattern in Django?

python django django-urls

Django urls.py, what does the name parameter do?

python django django-urls

How can I redirect to a different URL in Django?

Django - URL routing issues (cannot import name 'urls')

Raise Http404 in url pattern

python django django-urls

How to get Django urls.py to recognize # (hash) in url?

Django URL conf and Backbone.js Router

What's a good way to handle url parameters types?

python django django-urls

Is there a way, in Django, to define routes using Flask-style route syntax?

How to properly reverse the Django auth login?

django django-urls

Django Sites - Different urls.py for two sites

How to make a simple Django URLconf and reverse() on it for a test? (getting TypeError: unhashable type: 'list')

django url parameters into context_processor

How to make reverse_lazy() lazy for arguments too?

How to make trailing slash optional in django

python django django-urls

How to use current logged in user as PK for Django DetailView?

Get current URL kwargs in the template?