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New posts in django-templates

Internationalization of static JS in Django

Mako templates using Django template tags

Django and get_absolute_url

Django: Why is Foo.objects.extra(...) So Much Faster Than Foo.objects.raw?

How to make an external database query iterable?

Django: No module named context_processors, Base URL

How to save the result of a comparison using Django's 'with' template tag?

Django Invalid Block Tag: 'endfor'

Django: How can I use a variable inside an if statement in the template?

How to assign HTML class in django template depending object's field value

django django-templates

PyCharm: Reformat code breaks django template

django-templates pycharm

How do I inject actual html from the model to the template?

django django-templates

How to pass common dictionary data to every page in django

django django-templates

is there a way to loop over two lists simultaneously in django?

Django templates: value of dictionary key with a space in it

django django-templates

Django foreign key relation in template

Django Templates - Changing context for an 'include' template

How can i pass data to django layouts (like 'base.html') without having to provide it through every view?

How to include templates dynamically in Django using "include" tag

django django-templates

multiplication in django template without using manually created template tag
