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New posts in django-rest-auth

Google authentication using django-rest-auth and allauth

Django + DRF: 403 FORBIDDEN: CSRF token missing or incorrect

How to disable verification step for all-auth? (sending verification email )

DRF auth_token: "non_field_errors": [ "Unable to log in with provided credentials."

remove authentication and permission for specific url path

How to alter the LoginSerializer for one field for username/telephone/email?

Combining serializer and model functions

Django Angular cors error: access-control-allow-origin not allowed

django-rest-auth reset password uid and token

Django CSRF Failed: CSRF token missing or incorrect

Field name `username` is not valid for model

django-rest-auth custom registration fails to save extra fields

Django rest auth with Allauth

After login the `rest-auth`, how to return more information?

drf django rest auth how to expire or delete token?

django rest auth facebook code for login

Is there any way to change view of Django-rest-auth of login?

DRF: how to integrate django-rest-framework-jwt to Djoser

django-rest-framework - POST Request returns "Method \"GET\" not allowed."