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New posts in django-queryset

Django object multiple exclude()

django django-queryset

QuerySet, Object has no attribute id - Django

How to seed Django project ? - insert a bunch of data into the project for initialization

Use "contains" and "iexact" at the same query in DJANGO

Limiting Memory Use in a *Large* Django QuerySet

How to dynamically provide lookup field name in Django query? [duplicate]

django django-queryset

Cannot update a query once a slice has been taken

django django-queryset

manually create a Django QuerySet or rather manually add objects to a QuerySet

django django-queryset

Django 'objects.filter()' with list?

django django-queryset

Django: get the first object from a filter query or create

Django: implementing JOIN using Django ORM?

Django: __in query lookup doesn't maintain the order in queryset

Django equivalent of COUNT with GROUP BY

A left outer reverse select_related in Django?

how to create an empty queryset and to add objects manually in django [closed]

django django-queryset

JSON Serializing Django Models with simplejson

In Django, can you add a method to querysets?

How to use select_for_update to 'get' a Query in Django?

How to filter a django queryset using an array on a field like SQL's "IN"?

django django-queryset

Mocking a Django Queryset in order to test a function that takes a queryset