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New posts in django-models

How to get django models field value from model object in template tags

Django ManyToMany relationship

How to translate plurals of a model in the Django admin?

Decimal numbers in python/Django

Django: Converse of `__endswith`

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DjangoRestFramework ModelSerializer: field-level validation is not working

do setting the max_length to a very large value consume extra space?

Django Rest Framework PUT request on unique model field

Filter prefetch_related empty in django

Temporary models in django

Django test fail at postgres hstore migration

Django queryset group by and count distincts

Calculate the sum of model properties in Django

Filtering django DatetimeField__date not working

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How to remove Required Attribute From Django Form

How to create queues of objects in Django?

Query for a ManytoMany Field with Through in Django

Keeping track of changes - Django

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Can Django be used for non web apps?

python django django-models

Django syncdb error: One or more models did not validate