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New posts in django-generic-views

Django/python: 'function' object has no attribute 'as_view'

Django Generic Views: When to use ListView vs. DetailView

override create method in django rest generics CreateAPIView

Django Tutorial: Generic Views. Attribute Error

How to access RequestContext in class-based generic views?

Extending generic view classes for common get_context_data

How does one use a custom widget with a generic UpdateView without having to redefine the entire form?

how to send success message if we use django generic views

how overwrite Response class in django rest framework ( DRF )?

Python multiple inheritance function overriding and ListView in django

Expected view to be called with a URL keyword argument named "pk"

Redirecting after AJAX post in Django

Accessing request.user in class based generic view CreateView in order to set FK field in Django

Use get_queryset() method or set queryset variable?

Django class-based view: How do I pass additional parameters to the as_view method?