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New posts in django-celery

Celery beat not starting on Heroku

Celery immediately exceeds memory on Heroku

Storing a task id for each celery task in database

How to schedule weekday-aware jobs in celery

Decorator after @task decorator in celery

Django Celery Error When Starting CeleryBeat - Cannot Add Item To Database

celery django-celery

django - difference between signals and celery

How can I disable the Django Celery admin modules?

Django & Celery — Routing problems

Worker starts, then shuts down. No errors

Django-celery and RabbitMQ not executing tasks

django-celery-email task isn't executed

python django django-celery

Using django-celery chord, celery.chord_unlock keeps executing forever not calling the provided callback

redis django-celery chord

Python Celery - Worker ignoring loglevel INFO

Notify celery task of worker shutdown

Django Celery task on Heroku causes high memory usage

Using django-nose and django-celery together -- unit testing

Celery's pytest fixtures (celery_worker and celery_app) does not work

django celery django-celery

Celery with rabbitmq creates results multiple queues

Celery tasks profiling