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New posts in django-1.3

Django1.3 multiple gunicorn workers caching problems

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Django logging with dictConfig cannot find "logging" module

In django-admin, how can I set filter_horizontal as the default?

How secure directories? And how to create new directories when a user registers? [closed]

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Cannot register custom logging handler class with Django dictConfig

Class based view extending UpdateView not saving form correctly

Saving a decoded temporary image to Django Imagefield

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how to make interaction between different django apps in a single site?

Django aggregate queries with expressions

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How to specify something other than pk or slug for DetailView

Django Debug Toolbar not displaying SQL

how to get POST data in django 1.3

Django-Pinax : How do you use a pinax app apart from what you get with a pinax base project?

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Django 1.3 logging: 500 errors are not logged

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Django 1.3: MEDIA_URL vs. STATIC_URL


What is the easiest way to clear a database from the CLI with manage.py in Django?

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