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New posts in discord.py

Per server prefixs

TypeError: Inheritance a class from URL is forbidden

Is OOP possible using discord.py without cogs?

How can I get user input in a python discord bot?

How can I make Discord bots display the "Bot is typing ..." status?

How do I use cogs with discord.py?

python bots discord discord.py

I want to let my Discord Bot send images/gifs

python bots discord discord.py

Discord Bot Role Mentioning

python discord discord.py

Latency command in Discord.py

python discord discord.py

Sending messages from synchronous thread in a Python Discord bot

Discord.py: How to fix "event loop is closed"

Can I make a discord python bot recognize when a person in a voice channel talks?

python discord discord.py

Discord bot reading reactions

Color codes for discord.py

TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'requote'

python discord.py

Get all members discord.py

AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute 'send_message' (Discord Bot)

Making a discord bot change playing status every 10 seconds

How to make a command case insensitive in discord.py

Discord Bot can only see itself and no other users in guild