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Color codes for discord.py

I found it a bit difficult and annoying to change colors in discord.py (embed color for instance). I made a class for the different color codes to use in discord.py which can be imported into the main file.

class colors:
    default = 0
    teal = 0x1abc9c
    dark_teal = 0x11806a
    green = 0x2ecc71
    dark_green = 0x1f8b4c
    blue = 0x3498db
    dark_blue = 0x206694
    purple = 0x9b59b6
    dark_purple = 0x71368a
    magenta = 0xe91e63
    dark_magenta = 0xad1457
    gold = 0xf1c40f
    dark_gold = 0xc27c0e
    orange = 0xe67e22
    dark_orange = 0xa84300
    red = 0xe74c3c
    dark_red = 0x992d22
    lighter_grey = 0x95a5a6
    dark_grey = 0x607d8b
    light_grey = 0x979c9f
    darker_grey = 0x546e7a
    blurple = 0x7289da
    greyple = 0x99aab5

It is possible to use e.g. colors.red if red color is wanted. Is there any better way to do this?

like image 858
Remi_Zacharias Avatar asked Sep 06 '20 19:09


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2 Answers

You could also use RGB codes by doing

embed=discord.Embed(COLOR=discord.Color.from_rgb(RGB code)
like image 145
twg poseidon Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09

twg poseidon

You already have the discord.Colour class (or discord.Color) for this:

from discord import Color

teal = Color.teal()

You can even change Color to everything you want like so:

from discord import Color as c

teal = c.teal()

You can look at discord.py documentation for more informations.

like image 30
MrSpaar Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09
