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New posts in directoryservices

How to get user's groups using the Network API

How to determine ClientTimeout when using DirectorySearcher

UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity returns null on IIS Server

asp.net directoryservices

AD Directory Programming with Azure Active Directory

How do I determine if an "IIsWebDirectory" or "IIsWebVirtualDir" is an ASP.NET Application?

Using DirectoryServices.AccountManagement, how do I get the e-mail address of an active directory security group?

Change Password of a local windows user

Acquiring AD OU list

Get closest Domain Controller in current AD site without hard coding information

Set callback for System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry to handle self-signed SSL certificate?

UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity throws exception - There is no such object on the server

What permissions do I have to delegate in order to set UserCannotChangePassword in Active Directory through a C# UserPrincipal

JNDI: Naming Service vs Directory Service

java jndi directoryservices

DirectorySearcher FindOne() delay on initial execution

c# ldap directoryservices

Request a user's roles in AD when caller is not in domain

DirectoryEntry to change password: Different behavior between Vista/Server2008

DirectoryServicesCOMException 80072020 From IIS 7.5 Site Running Under ApplicationPoolIdentity

DirectoryServices.AccountManagement "old" password still validates after password change

Given a user's SID, how do I get their userPrincipalName?