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New posts in deep-learning

Difference between feature_column.embedding_column and keras.layers.Embedding in TensorFlow

How to add a new class to an existing classifier in deep learning?

Pretraining a language model on a small custom corpus

Shall we lower case input data for (pre) training a BERT uncased model using huggingface?

How does max_length, padding and truncation arguments work in HuggingFace' BertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') work??

How to implement Grad-CAM on a trained network

Converting a theano model built on GPU to CPU?

Theano/Lasagne/Nolearn Neural Network Image Input

Fast way to initialize a tensor in torch7

How to implement a Mean Pooling layer in Keras

deep-learning keras

Where is layer module defined in PyCaffe

How to get both score and accuracy after training

How to implement weight decay in tensorflow as in Caffe

How do you concatenate symbols in mxnet

Keras TimeDistributed - are weights shared?

Print/Save autoencoder generated features in Keras

Why should one use pure TensorFlow over Keras?

Correct way to split data to batches for Keras stateful RNNs

Items of feature_columns must be a _FeatureColumn

Why are Embeddings in PyTorch implemented as Sparse Layers?