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New posts in deep-learning

Regarding Dilated Convolutions vs Max-Pooling with Padding

How do I create uncertainty color map image from deep CNN output?

Validation loss not moving with MLP in Regression

Recurrent neural networks for Time Series with Multiple Variables - TensorFlow

Google Inceptionism: obtain images by class

How to save weights of training data from MNIST testing on tensorflow for future use?

How are neurons in deeper layers capable of making more complex decisions than neurons in shallower/earlier layers?

Why do we have normally more than one fully connected layers in the late steps of the CNNs?

How to repeat an unknown dimension in Keras for both backends

Restoring specific TensorFlow variables to a specific layer (Restore by name)

Is there any example of using weighted loss for pixel-wise segmentation/classification tasks?

How to adjust labels with ImageDataGenerator in Keras?

Why is the most time spent in the fully connected layers despite its complexity is less than the conv-layers?

Subset of Imagenet Dataset for image classification

Could not find matching function to call loaded from the SavedModel

logits and labels must be broadcastable error in Tensorflow RNN

ValueError: Trying to share variable rnn/multi_rnn_cell/cell_0/basic_lstm_cell/kernel

What is the difference between performing upsampling together with strided transpose convolution and transpose convolution with stride 1 only?