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New posts in decimalformat

(android) decimalformat, uses comma in place of fullstop while formatting with "#.##"

What is the c# equivalent of Java DecimalFormat?

c# java decimalformat

Replace grouping separator of DecimalFormat in formatted value

DecimalFormat - keep all decimal numbers

java numbers decimalformat

How can I change DecimalFormat behavior based on input length?

Java DecimalFormat returns a "?"

Format float to show decimal places if is not zero java [duplicate]

Remove trailing zeros from double

java double decimalformat

Most elegant way to load csv with point as thousands separator in R

Why does DecimalFormat ".#" and "0.#" have different results on 23.0?

java decimalformat

Formatting using DecimalFormat throws exception - "Cannot format given Object as a Number"

How to make 0 display as 0.00 using decimal format?

java decimalformat

How to always show decimal part when using DecimalFormat?

java decimalformat

DecimalFormat pattern

java decimalformat

DecimalFormat converts numbers with non-digits

Java - Decimal Format.parse to return double value with specified number of decimal places

How to use DecimalFormat to format money?

java android decimalformat

Rounding with DecimalFormat in Java

java decimalformat

Add commas (grouping separator) to number without modifying decimals?

java decimalformat

Number of significant digits in scientific notation with DecimalFormat

java decimalformat