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Copy column definition from one table to another?

mysql ddl

How to get the name of the altered table in a Postgres event trigger?

postgresql ddl triggers

Does LiquiBase generate DDL for schema diff?

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Why does this Oracle DROP COLUMN alter the default value of another column?

Creating tables on demand with Spring Boot Data JPA

Generate DDL SQL create table statement after scanning CSV file

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Setting the comment of a column to that of another column in Postgresql

postgresql ddl comments

SQL Server 2005 Create Table with Column Default value range

Can I configure Hibernate to create separate sequence for each table by default?

What's a good way to provide versioned rows in PostgreSQL? How to query them?

sql postgresql ddl

Can we use DDL Commands in a prepared statement (PostgreSQL)?

java postgresql jdbc ddl

How to create a Postgres table with unique combined primary key?

Postgres 'if not exists' fails because the sequence exists

SQL Server Conditional Foreign Key Constraints

sql-server ddl

Adding a column for UTF-8 content in MySQL

mysql sql ddl

Why doesn't a trailing comma after the last field matter when creating a table using T-SQL?

tsql sql-server-2008-r2 ddl

how to add new column to partitioned tables in postgres

postgresql partitioning ddl

How do I add comments to existing table DDL in Teradata?

ddl teradata

Attempt to resolve foreign key metadata from JDBC metadata failed to find column mappings for foreign key

hibernate ddl

How to create table with Autonumber field in MS - Access at run time?

ms-access ddl