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User-sortable records

database database-design

When should we call connection.rollback() method?

java database jdbc

Is there a breaking point when a database transaction will get corrupted?

transactions database

Document databases/Key-value stores for use with .Net projects [closed]

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Using JNDI for Database connections

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Rails - I need a checkbox to change a field in the DB

Novice student question: Is creating a stackoverflow-esque backend as simple as 2 db tables?


how to discard changes made to all linq tables?

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If I have two tables in SQL with a many-many relationship, do I need to create an additional table?

sql database

ESENT table browser? [closed]

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Do relational databases provide a feasible backend for a process historian?

Django: Can the value of ForeignKey be None?

Should left outer joins be avoided in DB2

database db2 left-join

Methods to achieve first, previous, next and last navigation

"Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". Why?

c# database

Database MySql design - varchar length for utf8 fields :: 1. password 2. username 3.email

User Messages Database Schema?

save php variables permanently without database

A huge data storage problem

Group by - multiple conditions - MySQL

database mysql