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What are the pros and cons of loading data directly into Google BigQuery vs going through Cloud Storage first?

best way to statistically detect anomalies in data

Redshift Performance of Flat Tables Vs Dimension and Facts

One or multiple fact tables?

data warehouse and database difference in implementation

database data-warehouse

MDX performance vs. T-SQL

Labor Day Vs. Thanksgiving

SSAS Internal error: An Unexpected error occurred (file 'pfcre.cpp' function PFCREngine::SelectCartridge)

MDX date range query with a missing boundry date

How to best handle historical data changes in a Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD2)

Azure SQL Data Warehouse and Entity Framework

How to classify/categorize strings according to regular expression rules in Python

Handling nulls in Datawarehouse

sql ssis ssas data-warehouse

What advantages does in-memory OLAP have over traditional systems with significant memory?

joining across multiple fact tables with a dimension in between

How can I speed up queries against huge data warehouse tables with effective-dated data?

Insert into a star-schema

EDW Kimball vs Inmon


What's the Grain in the context of DW

Handling multiple fact tables in Qlikview