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New posts in data-visualization

What's a simple language to use for creating graphics?

Change margin around plot area and title in WPF Toolkit chart

Matplotlib : quiver and imshow superimposed, how can I set two colorbars?

How can I superimpose an arbitrary parametric distribution over a histogram using ggplot?

Does there exist a jQuery plugin or JavaScript library that allows Venn Diagram presentation? [closed]

Plotting a surface from a set of interior 3D scatter points in MATLAB

R: Addressing multiple columns of data frame by name

How to specify a size for google pie charts?

How to center ggplot plot title

Google chart timeline horizontal scroll

Displaying size adjusted buttons on specific points on a line in HTML/CSS

How to plot time series graph using react-vis

Is it possible to plot a boxplot from previously-calculated statistics easily (in R?) [duplicate]

How to set the default figure size and DPI of all plots drawn by `matplotlib.pyplot`

How to fix ImportError: cannot import name 'Event' in Dash from plotly (python)?

ASP.NET with MS Chart disable the vertical line

How boxen plot is different from box plot?

Algorithm for fitting abstract distances in 2D

Topojson - Arcs for Singapore and Hong Kong

Recharts ComposedChart with multiple datasets?