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New posts in data-modeling

Is UUID or Integer a good choice as partition key?

cassandra data-modeling cql

SQL Architecture: Is this a justified case to have only one table storing multiple entity types? (using a self JOIN)

Postgres: one table with many columns or several tables with fewer columns?

Simulating has_many :through with Mongoid

Is facts table in dimensional model is actually a table of events?

Explain SQL query using UML diagram? [closed]

Database modeling for a weak entity

MYSQL - One Column Referenced to Multiple Table

Any resources for common data model design patterns?

Six degree of separation interview problem

How to model tables with foreign keys from several other tables

Data Model tools for DB2

How to model process and status history in a data warehouse?

Many to many relationship

Development Platforms for Financial modeling (What do the Quants use?)

Relational data modeling for sub types

How to model a subset of a discriminated union in F#?

f# data-modeling

Best practice for managing data-model changes in a released system

Rails modeling: converting HABTM to has_many :through

Foreign key on a non-unique index? (oracle)