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New posts in data-modeling

Mysql Datatype for US Zip (Postal Codes)

Relational database design question - Surrogate-key or Natural-key?

What is the ultimate program to make a drawing of a database model? [closed]

drawing data-modeling

Cassandra data model for simple messaging app

How to properly cascade delete managed objects in Core Data?

How to model Student/Classes with DynamoDB (NoSQL)

Handling incremental Data Modeling Changes in Functional Programming

How to Model a "likes" voting system with MongoDB

How do I generate Diagrams and UML of Kotlin code?

Tools to generate a database diagram/ER diagram from existing Oracle database? [closed]

Database constraints - keep or ignore?

Avoid exposing primary keys in the source of a web app?

single fixed table with multiple columns vs flexible abstract tables

Good place to look for example Database Designs - Best practices [closed]

Working with nested single queries in Firestore

Is there a difference between Surrogate key, Synthetic Key, and Artificial Key?

ExtJS 4: Models with Associations and Stores

Where should I store a foreign key?

Data modeling practices in Redis? [closed]

How can I avoid NULLs in my database, while also representing missing data?