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Dart: How to json decode '0' as double


Flutter: How to crop text depending on available space?

How can I create a map<String, Dynamic> for Firestore with Lists of custom class Objects?

Flutter Convert from QuerySnapshot to a Future <List<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>>

How to add Tabbar in SliverAppBar on Flutter?

get String from nested Map in dart

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Flutter setState changing, but not rerendering

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Dart: How do I convert an array of objects to an array of hashmaps?

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How to disable list of specific date on flutter

CircleAvatar not showing circular image

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What is the difference and preferred way between jsonEncode() and json.encode() in Dart?

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How to add shadows to Text in Flutter

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Flutter users should run `flutter packages get` instead of `pub get`

BLoC does not yield state when requesting for a location in Flutter

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Set two different colours to single container

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How to make an http DELETE request with JSON body in Flutter?

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How to get files from external storage in Flutter?

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Flutter: How to add a logo image on the left side of AppBar?

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Flutter Error Failed to extract manifest from APK: Exit code -1073741515

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Flutter : Could not determine the dependencies of task ':shared_preferences:compileDebugAidl'

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