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pub global activate command - $HOME/.pub-cache/bin not on path

Dart Packages: Dependency conflicts

flutter dart dart-pub

How to prevent accidental publishing of a private pub package

dart flutter dart-pub

How do I run a private pub server while still referencing packages from pub.dartlang.org?

dart dart-pub

How do Dart Package Versions work & how should I version my Flutter Plugins?

flutter dart dart-pub

How to add a neon glow effect to an widget border / shadow?

How to use preCachePicture() in flutter_svg

Am I required to publish my Dart package to pub.dartlang.org before I use it?

dart dart-pub

I migrated to null safety and i cant run "flutter pub run build_runner build" without an error being thrown

Dart - How does one dart project import code from another dart project without using pub?

dart dart-webui dart-pub

Error in compilation with Geolocator pluggin

How to format numbers as thousands separators in Dart

resizeToAvoidBottomPadding isn't defined

When I try to build the APK Following shows in the debug console. Build: Build Failed with an exception

Why doesn't build_runner generate files when serializing JSON in dart/flutter

What does plus one (+1) mean in dart's dependency versioning

dart flutter dart-pub

Python and Dart Integration in Flutter Mobile Application

Does Dart have import alias?

dart flutter dart-pub

How to automatically upgrade Flutter dependencies

flutter dart-pub

Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml" in

dart dart-pub