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New posts in cross-entropy

why softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2 return cost even same value

shall I apply softmax before cross entropy? [closed]

Channel wise CrossEntropyLoss for image segmentation in pytorch

How to use weighted categorical crossentropy on FCN (U-Net) in Keras?

keras loss cross-entropy

Binary Crossentropy to penalize all components of one-hot vector

TensorFlow model gets loss 0

is Cross Entropy With Softmax proper for Multi-label Classification?

softmax cntk cross-entropy

Keras apply different weight to different misclassification

Tensorflow - loss starts high and does not decrease

Why "softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2" backprops into labels

Why not use mean squared error for classification problems?

Why is my implementations of the log-loss (or cross-entropy) not producing the same results?

TensorFlow: Are my logits in the right format for cross entropy function?

tensorflow cross-entropy

Why does sigmoid & crossentropy of Keras/tensorflow have low precision?

How to implement Weighted Binary CrossEntropy on theano?

What is the problem with my implementation of the cross-entropy function?

python - invalid value encountered in log